Digital Marketing

Tuesday Tip – Timing is Everything (Especially for Email Newsletters)

Tuesday Tip: Timing is Everything (Especially for Email Newsletters) This Tuesday, we’re diving into the world of email marketing! Did you know that according to recent statistics, for most industries, Tuesdays and Wednesdays see the highest ROI for email newsletters, while Mondays and Sundays tend to lag behind? There’s some logic behind this. Mondays are[…]

Tuesday Tip – Delegate for Success

Tuesday Tip: Delegate for Success – Trusting Others as Your Clients Trust You   In today’s competitive digital landscape, small to medium business owners and non-profit managers are often faced with the challenge of juggling multiple roles, from operations to finance to marketing. While wearing many hats is a testament to their entrepreneurial spirit, it can[…]

Tuesday Tip – Website Makeover – See it Through Your Customer’s Eyes!

Tuesday Tip: Website Makeover – See it Through Your Customer’s Eyes!  Ever walk past a store with a cluttered window display or a display that is simply too sparse to show you what the store offers and think, “No thanks, I’ll keep browsing”? Websites can be the same! For today’s Tuesday Tip, we’re talking home[…]

2024 Update –Is New Technology Making Your Email Go to Spam?

Updated for February 2024! This issue is impacting more people now that even stricter email protocols are in place. Bulk mail tools such as Email Octopus, Constant Contact and Mail Chimp are now requiring you make changes to your CNAME record and DMARC record to be able to send messages out. Please note, while this[…]

How Do We Work? Wild Iris Marketing Customizes a Plan for Your Business

Wild Iris Marketing works with each client individually. We do not have canned solutions or plans. We do not try to fit your business into a certain “package” of offerings. If you hire a landscaper to make your yard into an oasis, they do not simply offer you two trees, 100 square feet of lawn,[…]

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