


6 key components of website design inforgraphic

6 Key Components of Website Design

What Kind of Expert Do You Need to Design Your Website? When it comes to building a website for your business, the choice between hiring a graphic designer who can create visually stunning websites and hiring someone who understands SEO, conversion optimization, lead generation, regulatory and compliance issues and user interface design can significantly impact

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Rotary and Our Business

Rotary International and Our Business Mindy Hanson, founder of Wild Iris Marketing is the current President of the Rotary Club of Evergreen. The club meets Friday mornings at 7:00 at Center for the Arts Evergreen and you are welcome to join a meeting any time you want as her guest. What IS Rotary, who goes

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Wild iris growing in Arkansas

Tuesday Tip – What’s Your Brand Story?

Tuesday Tip: What is Your Brand Story? Wild Iris are one of the most resourceful flowers. They tend to grow in places others will not and are often seen in the gravel shoulder of roads in our mountain community. They take the scarce water, nutrients and other resources they have access to and grow and

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products that support PRIDE. Rainbow washing blog image

Tuesday Tip – Are You Rainbow Washing?

Tuesday Tip: Are You Rainbow Washing? Some specific dates and months conjure up specific colors and images in our minds. June is Pride month, frequently associated with a rainbow. July 4, Labor Day and Memorial Day are associated with patriotic red, white and blue. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and pink floods the marketplace.

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cocks for different time zones

Tuesday Tip – Timing is Everything (Especially for Email Newsletters)

Tuesday Tip: Timing is Everything (Especially for Email Newsletters) This Tuesday, we’re diving into the world of email marketing! Did you know that according to recent statistics, for most industries, Tuesdays and Wednesdays see the highest ROI for email newsletters, while Mondays and Sundays tend to lag behind? There’s some logic behind this. Mondays are

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Google My Business near me search results map

Tuesday Tip – Are You Near Me?

Tuesday Tip: Local Search… Are You Near Me? For this week’s Tuesday Tip, we are focusing on local businesses!  Standing out in a crowded online marketplace can be tough, especially if potential customers aren’t sure you serve their area. Here are some simple ways to boost your local SEO and get found by those searching

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frog mechanic working on an engine

Tuesday Tip – Delegate for Success

Tuesday Tip: Delegate for Success – Trusting Others as Your Clients Trust You   In today’s competitive digital landscape, small to medium business owners and non-profit managers are often faced with the challenge of juggling multiple roles, from operations to finance to marketing. While wearing many hats is a testament to their entrepreneurial spirit, it can

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Mindy from Wild Iris teaching a business social media class

Social Media for Business and Non Profit Class Notes

Social Media for Business & Non Profit Class Notes  We were invited to lead a dynamic class for the Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce about how small businesses and non-profits can use social media to help grow their business. Although these notes do not cover all the content we discussed, we thught others might find

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screenshot of website code

Tuesday Tip – Managed Website Hosting

You know the saying, “You get what you pay for.” That is VERY true with website hosting.   The managed hosting we offer our website clients can save your website from malware, complete take-over and worse! We see weekly articles about plug-ins that are installed and being used on websites and the plugin has been compromised.

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collection of mailboxes

2024 Update –Is New Technology Making Your Email Go to Spam?

Updated for February 2024! This issue is impacting more people now that even stricter email protocols are in place. Bulk mail tools such as Email Octopus, Constant Contact and Mail Chimp are now requiring you make changes to your CNAME record and DMARC record to be able to send messages out. Please note, while this

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No Limits Coaching website visible on a laptop screen in a coffee shop[

Kindness Matters… And Can Grow Your Business

I had multiple meetings lined up in Denver one day last week so I was working in a coffee shop between them. As I finished a phone call and started typing away on my laptop, a young lady came over and asked if I was using a Mac. I told her it was a PC

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Picture Perfect: Finding Legal Images for Your Marketing

Why is it important to use the right images on your website, social media platforms, and other marketing materials? Thoughtfully chosen and carefully placed, they have the potential to enhance the appearance, increase the usability, and improve the overall experience of your website. Most importantly, the correct images can tell the story of your brand

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domain name, hosting, dns, email graphic

What are Website Hosting, Managed Website Hosting, Domain Name Registration, DNS Services, and Email services, and how do they all relate to each other?

To run a business with a digital presence (Website and Email at a minimum), you need a number of services, and unless you yourself are an internet company, most of them are services you don’t want to undertake doing for yourself. Generally, you will pay another organization to perform them reliably for you. Here, we

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Hollywood sign with radio towers

What Does the New WGA Contract About AI-Generated Content Mean for the Use of AI-Generated Content in Various Situations?

Why does this matter to businesses? You might be asking why a marketing company is writing a long-form blog post about AI and intellectual property rights. Quite simply, AI tools are exploding across today’s world, with pundits alternatingly announcing the AI-driven salvation or destruction of all we hold dear. Writers, performers, artists and other creators

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computer browser update

Step by Step Instructions for checking for and applying updates in all major web browsers (desktop and mobile)

When a new security flaw or exploit is discovered, browser creators like Google (Chrome), Apple (Safari), Mozilla (Firefox), Microsoft (Edge) and others generally issue updates to correct the problem very quickly. Unfortunately, web browsers don’t automatically check for or download and apply updates continuously, which means there’s a window of time after the flaw becomes

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facebook account theft scam screenshot

Facebook Account Theft – Warning

“Your account will be deleted.”  “Your page will be disabled.” “Your account has been locked.”  “Your page has been reported by someone else.”  You open Facebook (or other social media channels) and see one of these or countless other dire warnings. What now? We are seeing a record number of attempts to perform account theft,

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Cartoon robot

What is AI and How Can I Use it in My Business? (Part One)

Chat GPT. Google Bard. Bing Assistant. Meta’s LLaMA. These are names that are sending shockwaves through different professional and educational communities around the globe because of the potential they have to “turn the industry upside down.” But here’s the thing… As powerful as these tools are, we have to remember that they are only as

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computer monitors with blue binary

“My website is down! Can you fix it?”

“My website is down! Can you fix it?” The answer is, it depends. Long story short, this morning there was an Internet outage in Silicon Valley. Our Silicon Valley datacenter provider an update immediately: We are currently experiencing a partial outage. Our network engineers are actively working with our upstream providers to restore connectivity as

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green check mark

Do I Have to Pay for Facebook and Instagram?

We are hearing questions from our clients about the rumors, speculation and concerns about Facebook and Instagram starting to charge for usage. We wanted to take a few minutes to explain what it might mean for you and why it is happening.  The short answer is No, you will not have to pay for Facebook

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Share the Love Campaign heart grafitti

#ShareTheLove 2023

We are one week into February, so it is time for our annual #ShareTheLove campaign. This is when we encourage you to support businesses you appreciate with a review on their Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook, or other online platforms. Did you know online reviews are more important right now than ever before? Google and

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warning signs with ?

Managed Hosting to the Rescue

Article written by Wild Iris Marketing team member Chris Hanson. Why do you want Managed website hosting from Wild Iris Marketing? Because when things go wrong, we are here to help you make them right. Recently we repaired a large, Colorado nonprofit organization’s website (who has Managed Hosting through us) that had inadvertently had all

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light purple wild iris in a field photo

Wild Iris Marketing — Announcement

Article written by Wild Iris Marketing team member Mindy Hanson. Wild Iris Marketing grew out of the company known as AlphaPixel Reach. AlphaPixel Reach founder Mindy Hanson settled on the original name when she started doing client work, however, it was intended to be a temporary name until the perfect brand was decided upon. Well,

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Should I Use a QR Code for My Business?

Article written by Wild Iris Marketing team member Mindy Hanson. Should I be using QR Codes for my business? If so, how can I use them efficiently and effectively? Think about how people will interact with your QR Code and decide if it will actually be easy and beneficial to them or if you are

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colorful playground

SEO and Keyword Ranking on the Playground

Article written by Wild Iris Marketing team member Mindy Hanson. I tend to see analogies to digital marketing all over the place. Recently I was at a park watching kids play on the merry go round and teeter totter and realized that they reminded me of clients trying to manage SEO and keywords. I know

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little girl wondering What Hasppened to my Facebook Posts from SEMRush?

What Happened to My Facebook Posts from SEMRush?

Article written by Wild Iris Marketing team member Chris Hanson. Over the past few months, Facebook (now called Meta) has been testing a new Business Manager upgrade that they promise has all sorts of wonderful improvements. Rumor in the industry was that the upgrade would have been completed last night, May 8th, 2022. Interestingly, this morning,

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#ShareTheLove 2022

#ShareTheLove 2022

February is here. That means lots of chocolates, flowers and other Valentine’s Day goodies for your loved ones. We are excited to begin our annual #ShareTheLove campaign and encourage you to support businesses you appreciate with a review on their Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook, or other online platforms. But why are online reviews more

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One message, many platforms blog

One Message, Many Platforms

Article written by Wild Iris Marketing team member Mindy Hanson. Your time is valuable. When you sit down to write a blog, newsletter or social media, you want the content to reach as many people as possible. Have you considered that the topic you choose to write about can serve multiple purposes and be used

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Digital Marketing Check Up

New Year Digital Marketing Check Up

Article written by Wild Iris Marketing team member Mindy Hanson. The start of a new year is full of new possibilities and opportunities. Resolutions to eat healthier, exercise, get more sleep, and spend time with family are all high on our lists of personal priorities. We buy more produce, join a gym, make a doctor’s

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Floral shoes with text that says What Makes You Stand Out?

What Makes You Stand Out?

Article written by Wild Iris Marketing team member Mindy Hanson. Today I gave a presentation to a large client group office about ADA Compliance. (Yes, your website has to be ADA Compliant! Want to learn more? Read this blog.) After my presentation, I asked if anyone had questions. One of the gentlemen in the group

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woman in front of digital data

Apple’s New Privacy Practice and What it Means to You

Article written by Wild Iris Marketing team member Chris Hanson. By now you’ve probably heard about new privacy changes Apple is making, and how they will drastically impact digital advertising and even the whole Internet. There are a lot of opinions being thrown around about the situation, and it’s not a simple situation to explain.

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intellectual property digital marketing

Protecting Your Brand’s Intellectual Property from Theft and Infringement

Article written by Wild Iris Marketing team member Kelsey Johnson. With the rise of technology in today’s society, digital marketing is, more than ever, at the forefront. As new technology is being adopted by consumers, digital marketing is thriving exponentially. Let’s face it, building a brand is no easy task! It takes hard work, dedication,

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graphical arrows pointing to the upper left

What is the Facebook Distribution Score on My Business Posts?

You may soon see a new datapoint on your Facebook business page. Distribution Score is rolling out for all posts (not just for videos where it has been available for longer) over the last few days so you can probably see it on each recent posting to your business page. According to Facebook, “The Distribution

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Stand Out But Not TOOOOO Far Out

Written by AlphaPixel Reach team member Mikayla Dudek. Creative and out of the box is okay but only if it fits your message and brand. The family whose patriarch brought us the Nintendo game console have a very creative site! Websites: How Out of the Box is Too Out of the Box?  Today, websites

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one paper boat leading four other paper boats

When it Comes to Followers, Think Quality Over Quantity

Written by AlphaPixel Reach team member Mikayla Dudek. In today’s world, one that seems to revolve more and more around social media as time goes on, it’s easy to get caught up in what our social media says about us online- and more often than not this means focusing heavily on the number of followers

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collection of mailboxes

Is New Technology Making Your Email Go to Spam?

This is a new issue that we have been called on by multiple people to fix in the last week. Your emails may well be going directly into the spam filters of people you are trying to communicate with. Although this may feel like a technical blog, we want you to have the important information.

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LOVE word cloud


If nothing else, 2020 has shown the world just how important it is to care for each other. It showed us the necessity of being concerned for each other’s welfare. And most importantly, it taught us just how fragile our local businesses can be, and just how much they contribute to our well being. I

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slow fast city image with lights

You Get What You Pay For – Discount Web Hosting

You are currently happy with your website host because they only charge you a few dollars a month. Great! You save money and we all want to do that in business. But, what is it REALLY costing you? Although many of the economy hosts are fairly reliable they are known to be quite slow. This

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Social Media Neon Sign red and blue

Social Media Audits: Why They Really Matter

Blog is written by AlphaPixel Reach tem member Mikayla Dudek. You’ve probably heard of a social media audit, and you’ve probably been recommended to get one performed for your business, but do you really understand why they are so valuable? A Social Media Audit is composed of several elements, but we’ve outlined a few to

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drop of water creating a ripple

A New Way to Look at a Drip Campaign

Toss a stone into a still pond, and you can watch the resulting waves propagate out from the point of impact until they silently reach the shore. This is how a lot of businesses look at the internet. Specifically, at digital marketing. Every single one of us has a glassy still pond into which we

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ecommerce money and goods exchange

Stop! Drop What Isn’t Working! Roll Into the Future!

As COVID continues to impact our business and our daily lives, it is becoming more and more essential that your digital marketing efforts are working to boost your business. When this all began in March, many restaurants did not need online ordering systems in place because the vast majority of their clients were dine-in. Now,

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colorful fall leaves

Change is in the Air — Time for a Digital Marketing Change?

“Autumn asks that we prepare for the future —that we be wise in the ways of garnering and keeping. But it also asks that we learn to let go—to acknowledge the beauty of sparseness.” ~ Bonaro W. Overstreet It is the first day of Fall. Leaves may have already started to change color around you,

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braille lettering

Is Your Website ADA Compliant or are You at Risk?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in July 1990 and remains one of the nation’s most comprehensive pieces of civil rights legislation. It prevents discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities are granted the same opportunities as everyone else in terms of participating in day to day American life. Most of us are

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5 star review campaign -- leave a five star review for a local business you appreciate

Help Others Out — Leave Them a 5 Star Review

It’s easy to dismiss Google and social media if you don’t consider yourself an on-line business. The problem with that line of thought, however, is that you’re missing out on the digital word of mouth that can occur from your clients who ARE on-line. That’s why so many brick and mortar businesses focus a portion

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man with a megaphone image

Be Heard Over All the Noise

Right now, everywhere you look, there is a firehose of information streaming at you. Television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet are all awash with news and updates and warnings and, unfortunately, hoaxes. But the fact remains that, as a business, it is of the utmost importance that you maintain an up to date source of

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pour over brew coffee and black and white mug

Venti Digital Marketing Menu

This blog was inspired by a conversation with a barista at Fluid Coffee Bar in Denver. If you go by, let them know I sent you.   Everyone loves to go to their local coffee shop and order a coffee, just the way they want it. Digital Marketing is similar to a coffee order.  Do you

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Link Farm Scam

SCAM – Link Farms do NOT Bring You Clients

We wanted to share an email a client received recently. We felt it was important to bring it to the attention of our clients, friends and followers, because it’s like so many other “too good to be true” emails and offers that are out there. You know, those things that people desperately want to be

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2020 business goals

Business Growth Planning for 2020

Happy 2020! I am not big on New Years Resolutions for myself but I do like to set goals for my business for each year. This morning at the Conifer Chamber of Commerce meeting, President Jodi Dolph gave a presentation about growing your business. She talked about how you have to really think and plan

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what is digital marketing

What is Digital Marketing? Presentation for Conifer Chamber of Commerce

AlphaPixel Reach works with small to medium businesses ad non-profits to enhance their digital marketing and expand their Reach. Thank you to the Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce for inviting us to present at their October breakfast meeting. The slideshow here is from the quick overview talk Mindy Hanson gave at the meeting. We look forward

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a grove of aspen trees with gold leaves

How is Digital Marketing Like the Autumn Landscape?

It is autumn. That means the leaves are changing, the temperatures are cooler, the holidays are approaching faster than we may want to admit and soon the snow will be flying. But what does the autumn mean to your business?  For some of you, business will soon increase with holiday shoppers. For others, things may

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don't fall for large agency games

Tuesday Tip, April 9, 2019

Don’t “fall” for the sales pitch from a big agency. Work with a smaller firm who takes the time to get to know you and create custom content for your business.

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Share the love 2019 image - white rock heart in the palm of a hanc

2nd Annual Share the Love Campaign

One of the more popular meme themes of 2018 was taking ANY problem and having a 40-something year old woman named Karen demand to speak to a manager about it. That really got me to thinking about how people rarely, if ever, demand to speak to a manager when something GOOD happens. The same is

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Orange tree

Organic Isn’t Just For Groceries Anymore

 One of the hardest things to do, especially when your business is just starting out, is to build your online credibility.  These days, people seem to only speak up when they are unhappy, so the only time managers get called over, or reviews get written is when someone has a complaint.  Getting your happy clients

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Web hit counter

What Can You Learn from Website Analytics?

In the early days of the internet, when “Under Construction” gifs and the < blink > tag were in full use, at the bottom of most web pages you could find the earliest form of website analytics: The Hit Counter. This simply counted how many times the page was loaded by anyone.   With the

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Water drop with ripples expanding

How Large is Your Pebble? How Far Reaching is Your Ripple?

As young children we each dropped pebbles into water and watched the concentric circles work their way out. Growing larger and larger. Maybe the pebble would make a twig move or give a water bug a short ride. Maybe the rock would be large enough that when you dropped it in, it splashed you and

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6 clocks with the earth as their face

Remotely Speaking

There was a time in my career when I was working with a group spread out between seven offices in five countries. Even the small team I managed sat in two corporate offices and two home offices. So even on those days when I went in and sat at my assigned desk, I was pretty

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Mindy Hanson - two minute tips

Tuesday Tip, August 21, 2018

How can your newsletter reach a wider audience, save you money on postage and printing and be greener all at once? Find out in today’s Tuesday tip.  Tuesday Tip from AlphaPixel Reach How can your newsletter reach a wider audience, save you money on postage and printing and be greener all at once? Find out

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Circus tent

The Social Media High Wire

Starting your own business is an amazing balancing act. Investments of your own time and money towards the eventual payoff can be overwhelmingly intimidating. You have the skills and the know-how, but how do you let people KNOW that you know so they know to use your services? The Internet has changed and shaped the

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Message in a bottle

Message in a Bottle

I’ll send an SOS to the world I’ll send an SOS to the world I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle “Message in a Bottle” – The Police Just like you can’t intentionally create a “viral video” despite demands to the contrary, you also can’t take a message, put it into a

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number 2 on a red door

Two Minute Tuesday Tip, May 20

Find what inspires you! Find what inspires you! Use that inspiration to drive your marketing efforts. This short video is from Friday but Yellowstone does not have sufficient cell signal to post. Posted by AlphaPixel Reach on Sunday, May 20, 2018

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disposable coffee cup by the beach

Coffee vs Houses

Great perspective from AlphaPixel Reach writer Clay Robeson. The goal of every business is to stay at the top of the “go-to” list that clients (and potential clients) think of when they need your services. Being on the tip of someone’s tongue when they or someone they know needs what you provide is the whole

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number 2 on a yellow sticky

Tue Minute Tuesday Tip, On a Saturday

Expand your reach by being an active and involved member of your community! Two Minutes Tuesday Tip, On a Saturday Networking is a key element in building your small business. Today we worked with fellow members of the Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce to clean up our community! Posted by AlphaPixel Reach on Sunday, April

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volunteer image

Paying it Forward to Non-Profits

We love working with non-profits! We work with many organizations to enhance their online presence, update (or start from scratch) their website, expand their social media, grow their event attendance and increase fundraising! We are coming up on our two year anniversary of AlphaPixel Reach, although everyone on our team has been in the industry

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Website Design - Multiple computer screens with a "technological" background

The Future for Facebook and Business

  We have all seen the headlines. Facebook made some decisions about releasing user data that have come into question and have the social media giant under close scrutiny. So, do you need to leave Facebook personally or as a business? We say NO! As a platform, Facebook is not going to go away. There

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Tuesday Two Minute Tip

Tuesday Two Minute Tip, April 3

I am stepping out of my comfort zone to bring you Tuesday Two Minute Tips!  Coming to you from Bean N Bakery Bistro in Conifer with a Tuesday Two Minute Tip about expanding your reach using Facebook Groups. Tuesday Two Minute Tip, April 3 Coming to you from Bean N Bakery Bistro with a Tuesday Two

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Punctuation Marks

Grammar in Social Media Presence

Welcome to S. Brett. Johnson, our guest Blogger. Brett has a passion for all thing grammatical and is a valuable member of the AlphaPixel Reach writing team. —– Grammar. There aren’t many subjects that make people’s eyes glaze over and roll back in their heads like grammar – tax law being the exception. Nonetheless, our

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Question from a Reader

We love it when someone asks a question that we can answer as a blog. In this case, Matt J. asked us, “Who are your clients? What kinds of businesses do you work with? Can we work together even though I am in another part of the country?” The answer is, we work with small

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Tuesday Two Minute Tip

Tuesday Two Minute Tip, Negative 6 Degrees!

I am stepping out of my comfort zone to bring you Tuesday Two Minute Tips! Today, we talk about how to stand out in the crowd! Two Minute Tuesday from -6 Degrees Coming to you live with this week's Two Minute Tuesday Tip. Be creative to stand out from the crowd. Brrrrrr! Posted by AlphaPixel Reach

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