Classes & Trainings

Classes & Training
We appreciate the opportunity to teach students and business people in our community how to make the most of digital marketing. Please enjoy some of the handouts and videos from our classes. If you have any questions about any of the material covered, feel free to reach out to us! We would welcome the opportunity to speak to your group as well.
Using Canva in Your Business
This two part workshop walks attendees through beginning and then more advanced uses of Canve focusing on how to build a Brand Profile, create usable content for social media, websites, print and more. This was most recently taught for members of the Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce.
Click here to view our course work.
Elevating Your Elevator Pitch
Having a strong and compelling elevator pitch is critical for your business or non-profit. In this course we turned the elevator pitch on it’s head and realized that explaining your WHY can be more impactful than just spouting facts about your organization. This class was most recently taught at a Board of Directors retreat for Bootstraps Inc.

Artificial Intelligence for Business Use
AI is in the news and all around us these days. How can you use it for your business and what do you need to be aware of? Wild Iris Marketing was invited to give this presentation to both the Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce and the West Metro Chamber of Commerce.
Click here to view this presentation.
The Impact of Social Media and Marketing for Small Businesses & Non-Profits
Small non-profit organizations that serve a community during an emergency need to know how to best use all the channels they have at their disposal. Elk Creek Fire Department wanted to train their staff and volunteers on how they might use social media for messaging.
Click here to view this presentation.

The Impact of Social Media and Marketing for Small Businesses & Non-Profits
What impact can social media have on your small business or nonprofit and how can you use it to your advantage? This presentation was given to the Conifer Chamber of Commerce.
Click here to view this presentation.
Instagram for Business – How & Why?
Instagram can be a daunting marketing avenue if you have not used it before. However, it may be an excellent place for you to reach potential clients. In this presentation for Mountain Women in Business, we walk you through who is on Instagram, why you might want to have a business account and how to succeed if you do have an account there!
Click here to see this presentation.

Claiming Your Google My Business Listing
Claiming your Google My Business listing can improve your SEO placement and make it so potential clients can find you online and on Google Maps. Learn how to claim your business and take advantage of this free tool from Google.
Click here to view this presentation.
Digital Marketing NOW
In the COVID era, marketing needs to take on a different look than we have ever seen before. In this presentation for the Conifer Chamber of Commerce, we walk you through what many of the digital marketing platforms offer to help you determine what might be best for your business.
Click here to see this presentation.