Rotary and Our Business

Rotary International and Our Business

Mindy Hanson, founder of Wild Iris Marketing is the current President of the Rotary Club of Evergreen. The club meets Friday mornings at 7:00 at Center for the Arts Evergreen and you are welcome to join a meeting any time you want as her guest.


What IS Rotary, who goes to Rotary and what do they do?

Let’s start with what it’s not. It’s not a leads group, it’s not a religious organization (it’s not a cult!), it’s not a political group, it’s not a drinking club, and it’s not an exclusive to any particular member type. It’s a organization that simply exists to bring people together to improve the lives of its members, their community, and the greater world.  

Rotary International is a global organization with a mission to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards, and promote goodwill and peace around the world. We are fortunate to have multiple Rotary Clubs in the mountain area and each club offers different projects, members and activities.

Mindy chose to join Rotary Club for a variety of reasons. She was raised in a family of Rotarians, her father and grandfather are both past presidents and the “Four Way Test” which is the pillars are Rotary were an important part of how she was raised. 

Rotary Wildfire Ready truck in paradeAs a larger club, the Rotary Club of Evergreen is able to be involved in a large number and variety of projects ranging from supporting the local Imagination Library  which champions young childhood literacy, to supporting the local girls and women’s education in Guatemala through the Maya School and other educational programs, Rotary Wildfire Ready, a program that raises awareness of wildfire preparedness and home hardening, to providing clean water and sanitation to many communities in developing nations and even providing generators to hospitals in Ukraine. Evergreen Rotary is able to support more programs, both locally as well and nationwide and internationally through member activism and powerful fundraising.

One of the primary benefits of being a Rotary Club member is the opportunity for personal and professional growth. Members are often leaders in their fields, and the connections you make can be invaluable for career development and mentorship. The Evergreen club meets each Friday morning for regular meetings, and on other days and times for social events, and volunteer opportunities, allowing members to build meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals. Other local clubs meet on other days, either morning or evenings.

Another significant advantage is the chance to contribute to your community in a tangible way. The Rotary Club of Evergreen is involved in numerous local projects, from supporting schools and youth programs to organizing community events and environmental initiatives. The lovely welcome sign as you enter Evergreen is a Rotary Project (in cooperation with Leadership Evergreen).  The annual September Rotary Recycle Day saves thousands of pounds of difficult to recycle items from the landfills and raises money to fund other community programs. You may have even appreciated how clean Highway 74 is from Walmart to King Soopers due to the efforts of our “Road Warriors” roadside cleanup team. Have you and your children enjoyed the music park at Stagecoach playground? That too, is a Rotary Club of Evergreen project! 

Rotary 4 way test graphic 

Rotary’s commitment to service doesn’t stop at the local level. As part of a global network, members have the chance to participate in international service projects that tackle issues like poverty, disease, and access to clean water. These projects not only make a substantial difference in the lives of those in need but also provide members with a sense of global citizenship and a broader perspective on the world’s challenges.

Moreover, Rotary provides leadership development opportunities. Whether it’s through organizing events, leading a committee, or participating in training programs, members can enhance their leadership skills and gain confidence in their abilities. These experiences are invaluable, fostering growth that extends into personal and professional life.

Rotary also emphasizes high ethical standards in both personal and business affairs. The organization’s motto, “Service Above Self,” encourages members to act with integrity and fairness in all endeavors. This principle not only benefits individual members but also contributes to the overall reputation of the business community in Evergreen.

In essence, being a member of the Rotary Club of Evergreen means joining a legacy of service, leadership, and community. It’s about making a difference, both locally and globally, while building lasting relationships and developing skills that enhance all areas of life. If you’re looking to give back, grow, and connect with a group of dedicated individuals, the Rotary Club of Evergreen welcomes you with open arms. 

Mindy would like to personally extend an invitation to anyone interested in Rotary to come to a meeting as her guest. If coming to the Evergreen club isn’t convenient for you, she would also be happy to introduce you to any of the local clubs and make sure you are welcomed and all of your questions are answered. Your community is awaiting you at your local Rotary meeting. 


Rotary and Our Business
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