Small Business Saturday

Social Media - Small business Saturday

Many of our clients are small businesses whom we have helped them put together promotional campaigns to reach potential and current clients as we enter the holiday season. Many of our campaigns kicked off with announcements about today, Small Business Saturday.

As I sit here contemplating what Small Business Saturday means to my clients, I realized it has meaning for me too.  AlphaPixel Reach is a small business. What started as a realization that I could create more effective fundraising campaigns, (See my previous blog post about how I got to where I am today) has turned into a successful small business.

As a small business, we have some advantages that larger organizations can not offer their clients. We understand what being a small business is all about. We like to say that small business owners have to be hat racks. You wear whatever hat you need to at the moment to keep things going. We have also learned that many times you need to delegate tasks that you simply are not experienced with or don’t have the time for. That is where we come in.

One of the elements I am most proud of is our ability to work with small and medium-sized businesses and non-profits to find effective and budget-friendly ways to reach their clients. We do not simply squeeze each client into an already-designed campaign and hope it works for them. We talk to the business owners and managers and determine what their individual goals are. Then we put together an individual plan based on these goals. As a small business ourselves, we love to provide our clients with that individualized service. We have clients who have weekly social media posts and others who have multiple posts per day. We design campaigns that work for you and your business!

Running a small business means we are rarely “unavailable”. We do not just work from 9-5, Monday through Friday. We have taken calls from clients very late at night and many times on weekends. We are able to quickly respond if something changes or if you want to make additions to your planned campaign. We recently helped a client late on a Friday night when an unhappy client began an online smear campaign. Our immediate attention ensured that the negative posts, reviews and comments did not gain many views. We were agile and responsive and saved a small business’ reputation.

We really get to know our clients. To us, you are not just a name or an account number, you are a small business with a desire to grow and reach more clients. We pride ourselves on our ability to capture your voice and message in our writing. We want social media posts, websites, eBlasts, emails and other promotional pieces to express who you are and convey your message. We love to meet with clients either in person or via Skype or Facetime and enjoy a cup of coffee while we learn more about your business. We feel it is critical to understand your passion and drive to best represent your business.

With my sales and marketing background, I understand how different marketing platforms work together. I know that your messaging has to be consistent and your marketing materials and campaigns need to rely on one another. If your social media campaign drives people to your website but the site is out of date or not a good representation of your business, your social media campaign is not nearly as effective as it could be with a strong website. If you are hosting a fundraiser, you can use your website, social media, eBlasts and other outreach to expand your potential audience and donor base. Your marketing efforts should all be considered together and not as individual pieces. We specialize in making all of these pieces work together seamlessly.

Small Business not only describes us but many of clients. So in all ways, we are part of Small Business Saturday!

Small Business Saturday
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