Tuesday Tip – Managed Website Hosting

screenshot of website code

You know the saying, “You get what you pay for.”

That is VERY true with website hosting.  

The managed hosting we offer our website clients can save your website from malware, complete take-over and worse! We see weekly articles about plug-ins that are installed and being used on websites and the plugin has been compromised. Here is one from this week about a useful and popular legitimate plugin: 


If you do not go in and manually update your plug-ins (and deal with any problems or issues the update causes), your website could very well be at risk.

We had one client who was a tax professional. They hosted their website themselves on a low-cost host not feeling it was important to pay for our somewhat more expensive managed hosting service. 

When their website was hacked through an insecure plug-in and was all of a sudden showing pornographic content to anyone visiting the site, they called us in a panic! We were able to clean up the site and update the plug-ins but who knows how many of their clients and prospective clients saw the content before it was fixed. In the end, it cost them far more to have us clean up the mess than managed hosting would have cost for multiple years!

Managed hosting service means your host (us!) takes care of the technical “under the hood” of the website. They install security and update patches, they maintain backups, they monitor and keep the servers running and more. Many managed hosts like SiteGorund and WP Engine, will restrict which plugins you are allowed to use to only the ones they are comfortable with. Wild Iris is willing to work with any supported and maintained plugins we regard as safe and reliable.

Your time is valuable and your skills are probably better spent on tasks other than managing your website’s backend. And managed hosting is not a big expense at all when you work with Wild Iris Makering. So give us a call and let us help you out!


Tuesday Tip – Managed Website Hosting
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