
Stay Dynamic

Have you ever caught yourself staring into the campfire or looking at a fireplace and just watching as the flames jump and dance? Always changing and somehow drawing you in? Fire is dynamic! Dynamic according to Webster’s Dictionary means: 1a :  of or relating to physical force or energy. 2a :  marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change a dynamic city 3a: […]

Social Media Content Calendar

Calendars. Most of us use them in one way or another to keep track of our activities and plans. Have you considered using a social media content calendar? There are three primary and very important reasons we suggest using a content calendar: Organization  -Putting together a social media content calendar will help make sure your[…]

Six Degrees of Social Media

With websites, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Snapchat we have the ability to connect with clients and friends from around the world. You may think that because you sell fine teapots, your clients are generally not shopping online and spending time on social media. That might be true but you are literally within a friend[…]

The Delegation Equation

Let’s face it, budgets are limited. So, what can you do to make the most of the money and time you have? One word we use with many clients is “delegate”.  It is difficult (if not impossible) for one person to do everything and do it well. Outreach (social media, website development, email and eBlasts, newsletters[…]

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