Be Heard Over All the Noise

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Right now, everywhere you look, there is a firehose of information streaming at you. Television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet are all awash with news and updates and warnings and, unfortunately, hoaxes. But the fact remains that, as a business, it is of the utmost importance that you maintain an up to date source of information for your clients about the current status of your services and availability.

social media icons The best resource you can provide, of course, is a current website and social media feed, because that is the go-to place for information these days.  And while they may not see social media posts in real time on their feed, people generally know to check a website or Twitter stream directly when they have questions.

Whether you’re altering your business hours, switching to a delivery only system, offering expanded services, or offering consultation via phone, your clients (and potential new clients) need to know.  That means you need to keep an updated website, Google “My Business” page, and social media stream so that the announcements you need people to hear will rise above the relentless barrage of information.

AlphaPixel Reach is here to help keep your message aloft. Call us for a quick no cost, no obligation idea session. (720)526-3636.

Stay Healthy,
Mindy Hanson and the entire AlphaPixel Reach Team

Be Heard Over All the Noise
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