


Sharing the love - woman's hand sharing a red heart

Share The Love

As a small business owner, I can tell you, online reviews are a phenomenal asset when it comes to recruiting new clients. People can read what others say about my business and get a perspective from people I have worked with on how I work and what I do well. When someone posts a review

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Navigating Facebook Changes

Facebook is making changes. You are hearing talking heads in the media tell you how it is going to impact your business and personal newsfeeds. But what does it all REALLY mean? How can you continue to reach your Facebook audience? We have some tips and tricks to share. Provide GOOD content. It is more

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Log Cabin in the forest and covered snow

Building Your Online Presence From the Foundation Up

Imagine you are at home, preparing a delicious meal and it is cold and snowing outside. You may not think about how the foundation, walls, doors, windows and roof are not only keeping the elements out but also allowing you to be productive and accomplish something indoors. If even one element in the house is

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2018 Goals - blank paper

2018 Business Resolutions

At this time of year, people are talking about their resolutions for the New Year. Eating healthy, exercising, making time for others and saving money are all common themes. But what resolutions do you have for your business and how are you going to take them from a resolution to reality? We can not tell

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Social Media - Small business Saturday

Small Business Saturday

Many of our clients are small businesses whom we have helped them put together promotional campaigns to reach potential and current clients as we enter the holiday season. Many of our campaigns kicked off with announcements about today, Small Business Saturday. As I sit here contemplating what Small Business Saturday means to my clients, I

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Non-profit banquet Social media images

Well Over One Million Dollars Raised!

Ten years ago I attended a fundraising event for my son’s school. I enjoyed the evening and greatly appreciated all of the work the volunteers were putting in that night. However, when the final tally was announced, I was shocked and saddened to know that all of that work had yielded such low revenue. I

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New Perspectives Lead to New Clients

Take a look at your marketing. Really look at it. View it from the perspective of a potential client, a new client, and a long time client. Are you sending the right message? Are you consistent and current? Can you find new or different ways of reaching out to people to engage them? As you

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Purple scarf on a mannequin

Question from a Facebook Follower

Gwen asked: I’m curious on the best way to have my business Facebook posts seen without paying for their advertising? Facebook relies on algorithms to determine who sees your posts. It is not as simple as you might hope and expect. One would think if you post a message or image, it would show up

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Painting of King Lear

Perfect is the Enemy of Good

Shakespeare said in the play King Lear, “Perfect is the enemy of good.” We have learned that lesson the last few weeks as we updated our own webpage.  We have spent weeks adjusting, editing and fidgeting with our site as we worked on client sites. We have wanted the site to be “perfect” so that

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AlphaPixel Reach Social media - Eclipse image

Niagra Falls or a Pre-Printed Signature?

One of the challenges in business is figuring out how to make your particular message stand out from all the other messages. Think about it this way, when you receive yet another generic Christmas card with the only a signature (hand written or worse, pre-printed),  do you really remember it a week, a month, or year

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Mindy Hanson

Hail to the Social Media Win

Social media can work in ways you may never have imagined. Last weekend I was in Las Vegas for a brainstorming and business meeting with industry colleagues. As we were strolling through one of the malls we saw a Commander in Chief podium just inside a shop window. Of course, there was a line of people

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question marks spelling "why"

Online Presence Management…. How Did I Get Here?

Written by AlphaPixel Reach founder, Mindy Hanson. It has been a long and strange road to get where I am today but there is nowhere else I would rather be! I know the switchbacked and at time bumpy path that I have traveled has taught me all I need to know to be excellent at

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Smiley face, kitty

What Do Grumpy Cat and The Emoji Movie Have to Teach You?

How can you deny that social media and internet memes are becoming part of our daily lives? First, a cat scowls at the camera and his owner takes pictures and posts them to Youtube and Facebook. The next thing we know, Grumpy Cat is on The Late Show, Good Morning America and in a feature film that

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Sparks at night.

Stay Dynamic

Have you ever caught yourself staring into the campfire or looking at a fireplace and just watching as the flames jump and dance? Always changing and somehow drawing you in? Fire is dynamic! Dynamic according to Webster’s Dictionary means: 1a :  of or relating to physical force or energy. 2a :  marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change a dynamic city 3a: 

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sample image of an Editorial calendar

Social Media Content Calendar

Calendars. Most of us use them in one way or another to keep track of our activities and plans. Have you considered using a social media content calendar? There are three primary and very important reasons we suggest using a content calendar: Organization  -Putting together a social media content calendar will help make sure your

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6 degrees of separation

Six Degrees of Social Media

With websites, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Snapchat we have the ability to connect with clients and friends from around the world. You may think that because you sell fine teapots, your clients are generally not shopping online and spending time on social media. That might be true but you are literally within a friend

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blue button with text "Add a button"

Tuesday Tip -June 20, 2017

This week’s tip is Facebook related. On your business page, make sure your blue Call to Action button is set up. You can do it in three easy steps that take less than one minute, and will give current and potential clients a way to contact you immediately. 1. Go to your Page’s cover photo

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Life is happening outside your screen

Keep Your Eyes on Your Business But Your Ears on Your Community

Tunnel Vision. It can be excellent for the times you need to focus on a particular task or project. However, if you focus all of your attention on your business you may well be missing out on opportunities and threats that are around to you. For example, we recently helped a small business who was trying

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Delegate, chalkboard image

The Delegation Equation

Let’s face it, budgets are limited. So, what can you do to make the most of the money and time you have? One word we use with many clients is “delegate”.  It is difficult (if not impossible) for one person to do everything and do it well. Outreach (social media, website development, email and eBlasts, newsletters

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Green Bean Casserole

Small Town Gossip is Now Worldwide Chatter

In the days of June Cleaver and Carol Brady, people in small towns would chat in the grocery store or across the fence between their yards. You might learn that a neighbor was ill and determine what type of casserole to deliver. You might learn that your child was seen (gasp) holding hands as they

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Facebook thumbs up

Facebook Rules are Changing

Just when we all thought we had Facebook figured out, they are changing the rules! New algorithms are being put into place as I type that will determine who sees your posts and when. As a business person or non-profit manager, you do not have the time to worry about what you need to do

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Shoemaker at work

The Cobbler’s Children Have No Shoes….

Much like the cobbler’s children having no shoes, our Articles and Blog page was neglected as we worked with clients on their own articles and blogs. But, we are back and ready to provide you with interesting information and perspectives! Check back often.

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facebook logo, blue

Why are Facebook and Twitter Important?

I do not have to tell you that technology is everywhere in our society today. We have all seen people on their phones while they are at lunch with a friend. Everyone has been in a meeting when someone was completely “checked out” because they are instant messaging, checking Facebook or online shopping. As annoying

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